Join the Purelygreat Club for a chance to win 4 Deodorants!

Join the Purelygreat Club for a chance to win 4 Deodorants!

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Our Story

Purelygreat is a family run business founded in 2011, in Toronto, Canada, we are now located in Peterborough Ontario.


Debbie – Founder/Mompreneur/Healer/Developer of Great Formulas at Purelygreat

Over the years Debbie has dabbled in lots of stuff, including working in group homes, seniors fitness, rec programs, and was the founder of the 55 Plus Outdoors Club.

In her 30’s she took a mishmash of entrepreneurial jobs to survive, including working in reflexology for ten years. This was when she met her partner Philip and they brought Matthew into the world.

After visiting a bazaar and coming across a natural deodorant, a new business idea began percolating in her brain. Long story short, as a healer Debbie found her passion of natural products, became a raving fan, bought some deodorant wholesale, started a tribe of natural deodorant users, took a workshop on how to make it, spent years perfecting the formulas, built a lab, dragged her husband into the business and gave him time to fall in love with it. Fast forward they now serve thousands of natural lifestyle customers worldwide.


Philip – The Production Guy/Chief Problem Solver at Purelygreat

A professional photographer by trade, Philip was a pioneer user of Photoshop (If you’re old enough to laugh at this joke, this means you’re over 40). Always an entrepreneur in the advertising industry – Philip started a boutique agency which specialized in Corporate Communications. Philip and Debbie were married in 2000 and became partners in both business and in life.

A passionate cottager, Philip and the family enjoy paddling, photography, hiking, swimming and foraging in the woods. You’ll often find Philip attempting to do his MacGyver fixes around the property.

Philip’s giveback to the community includes over a decade of commitment to The First Interfaith Out of the Cold Homeless Shelter as a volunteer on the Steering Committee and currently sits on the Executive Committee of the Peterborough Dragon Boat Festival.


Matthew – Non-Partisan Advice Giver at Purelygreat

Like every teen, who is born into an entrepreneurial family, Matthew jumps at the promise of a bribe, (so long as there is a commission).

He will work trade shows, the assembly line, shipping and receiving, procurement and even mind-numbing clerk duties. He has no filter when it comes to offering honest advice. With that said, he’s a guy with high integrity, and you’d love him.

These days he can be found living somewhere in B.C. Canada WOOFing and learning about food security and sustainability.

Did we tell you he convinced us to go vegan over a holiday roadtrip?

He’s also the future heir of the company so do show him a little respect…even though he’s only 22!

Purelygreat Loves Giving Back!

We do this by supporting several charities.
Some with financial contributions, and others with our time and energy.

First Interfaith Out of the Cold

Peterborough’s Dragon Boat Festival

Amnesty International Canada

SickKids Hospital

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)

