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Give Pink - Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation

10% of our UNSCENTED Cream Deodorant sales are donated to CBCF Give Pink.

We know there are many "Pink" charities and over the years many stories have come to light about "PinkWashing". Stories of companies that purport to donate proceeds of sales to charities that help with breast cancer, but in reality, little if any funds are donated or make any meaningful contribution to really help fight the battle!
Purelygreats' association with The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation has deep roots. Philip, a partner in Purelygreat, also runs a production company that has produced numerous videos on behalf of CBCF. During those projects he has had the privilege of interviewing the Founders of CBCF and telling the story of how the organization came to be and how it has grown over the years and granted over 50 Million dollars to leading Breast Cancer researchers who are working hard everyday towards a cure and making incredible breakthroughs in treatments of Breast Cancer.
CBCF-Founders Philip had the privilege of interviewing many of these leading researchers and physicians in their labs and hospitals, and as well many breast cancer survivors. So Purelygreat really does know how the money we donate each year makes a direct difference towards beating this battle and finding a cure.
Included here are links to several of the videos produced for the occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the CBCF.
They tell the story of founding CBCF, research and survival.
Oh and of course you can help support this great organization. Give Pink and keep yourself healthier by using a natural deodorant
try a sample for yourself!
